Care After Having Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned

If topical fluoride has been applied you should not eat. drink or rinse for the first thirty minutes after the fluoride has been removed from your mouth.

Thoroughly clean your teeth at least twice a day, every day. Each time should include flossing, brushing, and any other cleaning aids that may have been recommended.

If pain medication has been prescribed, take it as directed. If no pain medication has been prescribed you may take whatever you ordinarily take for a headache. In no circumstances should you take more medication than indicated in the directions accompanying the medication.

If antibiotics have been prescribed they are to be taken as directed until all of the pills are gone.

Rinsing your mouth with hot salt water may reduce any irritation that occurs. If you wish, rinse three to five times a day (morning, night and after meals). If your mouth is very sore, rinse every half hour.

Instructions for hot salt rinses:

Stir a teaspoon of salt into a glass of tap water that is as hot as you can stand without burning yourself (it does not have to be an exact measurement). Rinse very vigorously with some of the hot salt water until it cools off, spit it out and repeat until you have rinsed for a full five minutes.

After your cleaning you may experience any or all of the following:

Your teeth may be sore or sensitive for quite some time, particularly in those areas where gum disease has led to the tooth roots being exposed.

You may become aware of the spaces between your teeth. There is a tendency for the tongue to play with these spaces. Try to avoid this to prevent your tongue from becoming sore.

Your gums may be sore or sensitive for quite some time. They may bleed easily and feel irritated or swollen.

If topical fluoride has been applied some stomach upset is not unusual.

None of these occurrences should prevent you from thoroughly cleaning your teeth at least twice a day, every day.


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