Our Services

We handle everything from routine to elective.

  • Examinations

    There are a number of the steps that comprise a complete dental examination. Perhaps surprisingly, the last step is to check the teeth. An examination includes checking for signs of oral cancer, evaluating function of the jaw joints, an inspection of the hard and soft tissues of the mouth, and much more.

  • Teeth Cleaning

    What is commonly called a cleaning is actually two separate treatments to prevent dental disease; removal of hard build-up (called calculus or tarter) and removal of stains on the teeth.

  • Lifetime Maintenance Care

    Prevention is not a one time treatment but an ongoing lifetime of home and professional care. Your recall schedule should be determined with consideration for your own individual circumstances, based on the timing that will best maintain your lifelong dental health.

  • Treatment of TMJ Disorders

    The TMJ is the joint that supports the jaw. Part of the movement of the jaw joint is guided by the bite. Treating and preventing problems associated with the TMJ involve re-establishing the bite/jaw joint balance and eliminating symptoms.

  • Sports Mouthguards

    A mouthguard is an essential part of your equipment for just about every sport. Dental injuries are the most common facial injury in sports, especially during practices.The loss of a single tooth can be costly and cause teeth and jaw problems that will last a lifetime. A mouthguard can lessen the chances of breaking your front teeth.

  • Restorative Dentistry

    There are a variety of options when a tooth requires a filling. Each has advantages and disadvantages for patients to consider. Some common options are composite resin (white tooth colored fillings), bonded amalgam (a silver mercury alloy), porcelain, and gold.

  • Replace Missing Teeth

    Replacing missing teeth can eliminate unsightly gaps in the smile, provide comfortable chewing and an adequate start to healthy digestion, prevent excessive wear and damage to remaining teeth and minimize the risk of TMJ (jaw joint) problems. Missing teeth can be replaced with bridges, implants and dentures.

  • Root Canals

    A root canal is the removal of the nonfunctional soft tissue middle of a tooth through a small opening. The inside of the tooth is cleaned. The cleaned space is filled with material and sealed to prevent bacteria from reentering. A root canal is done to relieve the pain from an infected tooth or prevent infection and pain from developing without removing the tooth.

  • Treatment For Gum Disease

    With gum disease the bone that holds the teeth in is lost and is gone for good. You may not be aware that you have gum disease until a tooth gets loose and falls out, without ever being painful. Tooth loss can be prevented with regular daily care at home and having any hard build-up removed in the dental office before the gum disease process has a chance to start.

  • Cosmetic Dentistry

    The appearance of a smile is hard to judge. There are many cosmetic options ranging from small, subtle but effective changes to fully remaking the appearance of a smile. A cosmetic evaluation and records may be required to develop the specific cosmetic treatment options that will help achieve your goals.