Dentists Do Dentures

Quality Dentures & A Healthy Mouth Without "Two Stop Shopping"

Patients requiring complete and partial dentures are understandably concerned that they receive comfortable, good looking dentures. This must be the goal regardless of who makes their dentures. An essential consideration that can not be ignored however is monitoring and maintaining the health of the mouth and teeth before, during and after denture treatment. As dentists we are the experts, by virtue of training and licensing, in both dentures and the health of the mouth the dentures so intimately affect. We are able to do everything necessary to plan, fit, adjust and care for your complete or partial denture needs. We are the only health professionals uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat the gums and surrounding tissues, as well as check for oral cancer.

People missing all or some of their teeth are in a difficult situation. Adequate nutrition, enjoying meals, speaking, smiling, laughing and the appearance that influences other people’s first impressions of us are all dependent on healthy, functioning teeth. We can provide complete and partial dentures that restore that quality of health, comfort and function. If your remaining teeth or the shape of your mouth does not have the potential to support dentures that are comfortable and function well, or if you do not want to have to wear dentures, we can improve the situation with dental implants. Dental implants can be thought of as a replacement for the lost roots of a tooth or teeth. Implants provide a means of holding a denture in place to improve your function and comfort. They remove many of the challenges associated with wearing dentures by providing the best fitting and functioning dentures available to you.

Making false teeth is generally thought to be a quick and easy process. In reality it is a very demanding process requiring much attention to detail. Despite our best efforts at fitting dentures to the shape and function of the mouth, research and experience have shown that a patient’s ability to tolerate and adapt to the challenges and compromises associated with wearing dentures can be as important, or even more important, than how well the dentures fit. Almost every denture patient has a friend or relative who’s dentures “fit perfectly”. Invariably these people have successfully accepted the limitations associated with wearing dentures. It would be nice to be able to promise everyone that they will have no problems and be happy with their dentures but many mouths do not have the potential for a well functioning denture. The longer one has been without teeth the less potential there is. Every denture case is different. There is wide variation from person to person in the potential for the mouth to support a denture and the individual’s potential for tolerating a denture. 

Knowing all of this, and the circumstances of your specific case, can be helpful in persevering and learning to function happily with your new dentures.

Do You Need A Denture Specialist?

Specialist, like many words, can have different meanings depending on how it is used. In advertisements “specialist" can suggest there is something special about a business, when in fact it means that the business is limited in what it offers its customers. In oral health care a specialist is a professional who has received a university dental degree followed by additional training (and an additional university degree) in their area of specialization. A good consumer should be cautious when such an important distinction is not clear in the wording of an ad.

As dentists we are the experts, by virtue of training and licensing, in both dentures and the health of the mouth the dentures so intimately affect. We are able to do everything necessary to plan, fit, adjust and care for your complete or partial denture needs. We are the only health professionals uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat the gums and surrounding tissues, as well as check for oral cancer. If after an examination of your mouth unique factors are discovered that require attention by a specialist a referral to the appropriate oral health care specialist will be arranged.


What To Expect From New Dentures


Dental Implants