Care Following Placement Of A Crown

Unless you have been instructed otherwise it is necessary to wait approximately 30 minutes for the cement used to retain the crown to set. 

There is no reason to avoid chewing or biting down hard on the new crown.

Eat or drink whatever you like.

If after twenty-four hours your bite does not feel right (the crown or tooth feels high, the crown or tooth hits before the other teeth hit, the other teeth do not touch, etc.) call our office to arrange to have the bite adjusted (this may require more than one appointment).

It is normal to experience sensitivity to cold, hot, sweet, biting or chewing for the first while following treatment. There may be soreness, even a bit of an ache. If this persists or if you are concerned, call our office to have it checked.

If you feel you require pain medication you may take whatever you ordinarily take for a headache. In no circumstances should you take more medication than indicated in the directions accompanying the medication.


Care Following Direct White Tooth Colored


Care Following Indirect Fillings