Are You Planning For Your Dental Retirement?

When should you begin to think about planning for your dental retirement? For most people the answer is now. As in all areas of life it is never too early to plan for the future. Several years before retiring, before there are changes to your source of income or dental insurance, or an unforeseen health problem develops, you should have a plan in place to have all of your dental needs addressed.

Once you have determined the level of dental health you want, the next step is determining how and when you will achieve it. Reaching your goal will include some treatment that must be done right away. However, attending to some aspects of treatment may be possible in phases over the course of a few months or years. Other of life’s priorities, or “out of sight, out of mind thinking, may lead to these necessary treatments being delayed indefinitely. As retirement approaches the decision to proceed with these treatments is made. It can be frustrating and disappointing to learn that the amount of treatment needed has increased and the decision to proceed with these treatments has been made too late for completing them within the desired time frame. In a few unfortunate cases general health problems arise that limit the ability to access or tolerate dental treatment. This can lead to having to put up with pain or discomfort and possible complications of the medical condition.

The first step is a comprehensive evaluation of your dental condition. More than a regular check up, this is a detailed inspection and recording of the current state of your teeth, gums, jaws and mouth. A variety of tests and records may also be required. Armed with this information we can work together to determine what is necessary for you to achieve and maintain the best possible dental health. 


The following is a list of some of the conditions and treatments that require attention in the short, medium, and long term:

  • Cavities, sore teeth, sore or bleeding gums.

  • Periodic oral cancer screening, prevention of decay and gum disease.

  • Replacement of missing teeth, restoration of teeth with patched, aged or worn fillings, new dentures (with or without improvement with implants).

  • Improving the appearance of the teeth.


Attention to your dental health is necessary for a lifetime regardless of the loss of dental benefits, changes in source of income or other considerations. Once in retirement regular care will help you enjoy a happy, healthy life. As in all areas of life, planning ahead is an integral part of achieving your goals.


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